Growing as a Leader

Growing as a Leader

Growing as a Leader

by Karl Teichert

My growth as a leader has been an enriching process. It has been an ongoing learning experience, which has deepened my dependence on Christ and strengthened my relationship with others. Here are three areas that highlight my development as a leader for God’s glory.

1. Life-long Learning

Leadership development is about perspective. It is having an awareness that I am uniquely designed by God and He is developing me over my lifetime for His purpose. The Apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians 2:10, “For you are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works.” Effective leadership formation is growing in the perspective that God is actively developing me throughout my life and cooperating with Him in that development.

Leadership development is appreciating the past, learning through the present, and preparing for the future. I have grown as a leader as I recognize God’s shaping and pursued open doors in line with a growing sense of His calling. I have learned from each experience in preparation for future opportunities. God has used every season of my life to deepen my dependence on Him, develop Christ-like character, and equip me for the next challenge.

As a former Electrical Engineer, I like formulas. Even though life is not a formula, Dr. Robert (Bobby) Clinton, a friend and mentor of mine, once gave me a simple equation that I have modified which has helped me understand leadership development:

Leadership development = (Word x Opportunity x Response) Lifetime

This means that leadership development is the process of being in the Word of God, taking advantage of strategic ministry opportunities, and learning from my responses over my lifetime. These are the elements that have guided my growth as a leader.

2. Being Precedes Doing

What I do needs to flow from who I am. All that I do as a leader must be founded upon and operate out of an intimate, growing relationship with the Trinity. This is cultivated by listening to God’s voice through regular, quality time in the Word, meditation and prayer.

I have developed a Rule of Life to help strengthen my abiding relationship with the Lord. A Rule of Life is an intentional pattern of spiritual disciplines that provides structure and direction for growth in holiness. It helps establish a rhythm, which is helpful for being formed by the Spirit – a rhythm that reflects my love for God and respect for how he has been forming me. I have tried to practice spiritual disciplines on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual basis. These include time in the Word, prayer, fasting, meditation, reflection, repentance, worship and journaling.

3. Mentoring Relationships

Cultivating a circle of mentoring relationships has also played a part in developing my life and leadership. Hebrews 13:7-8 states, “Remember your leaders, who spoke the Word to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” We are called to learn from other godly men and women as they follow Christ.

Bobby Clinton encouraged me to develop a constellation of mentoring relationships for my growth and the growth of others. These include upward mentors, who have proven character and experience. Another dimension is peer mentors, both inside and outside my team where we can learn together in life and ministry. The last area is downward mentors, comprised of emerging leaders that are committed to growing together. I have been challenged and encouraged to grow in the Lord, family, ministry, and personally through each of these mentoring relationships. I have received insights and advice from others at all levels.

So, I challenge you – commit yourself to life-long learning; pursue rhythms to help you deeper your relationship with the Lord; and identify the mentoring relationships (upward, peer, and downward) in your life.

Rev. Karl Teichert is a Vinia credentialed minister who has been serving with One Challenge in South Africa for the past 25 years.

This blog post is from the October 25, 2022 Vinia Newsletter. 

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